Hello, and welcome to the San Francisco Olympians Festival website! We’ll be updating and adding to this website over the next few days and weeks! Stay tuned!
Meanwhile, here is this year’s line-up! Please join us at the EXIT Theatre this October for SF Olympians VIII!
Week One: EGYPT (10/4-10/7)
Wednesday, October 4: Divine Prince
Full Length: Horus- Jason Mendez
Thursday, October 5: Courtiers
One-Act: Thoth- Michelle Elaine Ianiro *
One-Act: Bastet- Alan Coyne
Friday, October 6: River Protectors/Desert Dwellers
Short: Heket- Vanessa Flores *
Short: Hatmehit- Patsy Fergusson
Short: Sobek- Nicole Jost *
Short: Tawawert- Erin Marie Panttaja *
Short: Wadjet- Dan Kurtz *
Short: Hedetet- Bridgette Dutta Portman
Short: Babi- Lori Chapman *
Short: Wepwawet- Patricia Morin *
Saturday, October 7: Dual Divinity
One-Act: Hathor- Laylah Muran de Assereto
One-Act: Sekhmet- Daphne Dorman *
Week Two: MESOPOTAMIA (10/11-10/14)
Wednesday, October 11: Earth
One-Act: Ereshkigal- Cynthia Hussey *
One-Act: Mummu- Kirk Shimano
Thursday, October 12: Water
One-Act: Abzu- Megan Cohen
One-Act: Tiamat- Kendra Arimoto-Maselli
Friday, October 13: Fire
Full-Length: Ishtar- Barry Eitel *
Saturday, October 14: Air
One-Act: Shamash- Jake Rosenberg *
One-Act: Enlil- Nic Sommerfeld *
One-Act: Hadad- Jeanie Ngo
One-Act: Nanna-Sin- Barbara Jwanouskos
Week Three: LATIUM (10/18-10/21)
Wednesday, October 18: The Secret Keeper
Full Length: Janus- Sam Bertken
Thursday, October 19: Attendants of Grove And Field
Short: Flora- Meg Trowbridge
Short: Feronia- Meg Trowbridge
Short: Portunes- Tonya Narvaez
Short: Pales- Christian Simonsen
Short: Volturnus- Tonya Narvaez
Short: Pomona- Stacey Matthews-Winn *
Short: Vortumnus- Stacey Matthews-Winn *
Short: Fontus- Christian Simonsen
Friday, October 20: Queens of Temple And Hall
One-Act: Fortuna I- Neil Higgins
One-Act: Carmenta- Marissa Skudlarek
One-Act: Fortuna II- Bridgette Dutta Portman
One-Act: Salus- Elizabeth Flannagan
Saturday, October 21: The Proto-Savior
Full Length: Adonis- Stuart Bousel
* First time writing for the festival.
What Is The SF Olympians Festival?
The San Francisco Olympians Festival has been gaining momentum since its first year, with sixteen plays that were commissioned by the festival having gone on to full productions: 2010’s Hermes (No Nude Men Productions, Dramaworks, Bread and Water Theatre), Juno En Victoria (Wily West Productions), and Salty Towers (Thunderbird Theater Company); 2011’s Cassiopeia (Eat Street Players), Chronus (Bread and Water Theatre), You’re Going To Bleed (DIVAFest), Io (Off The Cliff Productions), and Pleiades (No Nude Men Productions); 2012’s Caeneus and Poseidon (Dragon Theatre) and Twins (PianoFight Productions); 2013’s Take Me Home: a One-woman Odyssey (Salon San Carlos, Lucy Tafler Presents, The Edinburgh Fringe Festival); 2014’s Satyr Night Fever (San Francisco Theater Pub), Centaur or The Horse’s Ass (Repurposed Theatre), and The Dryad of Suburbia (PianoFight); 2015’s Cymopoleia or Wave Walker (Pear Avenue Theatre), and Brizo (EXIT Theatre). Many have also received additional readings on local and national stages, or other development or workshop opportunities, including: 2010’s Juno En Victoria (Pacific Play Company); 2011’s Joe Ryan (Impact Theatre), Pleiades (Atlantic Stage), Io (Eat Street Players), and Selene, or Someone Like The Moon (EXIT Theatre); 2012’s Caeneus and Poseidon (Playwrights’ Center of San Francisco, City Lights Theater), and Twins (San Francisco State, Custom Made Theatre Company); 2013’s Under The Gods’ Golden Cleats (Dramatist Guild); 2014’s Beauty Secrets (Cutting Ball Theatre Company); 2015’s You’ll Not Feel The Drowning and Oceanus (Custom Made Theatre Company) and Ino Leucothea (Red Bull Theatre); 2016’s Ceres En Victoria (The Swedish American Hall), Lethe (Artists at Albatross Reach), Drumming With Anubis (Left Edge Theater Company), and Erinyes/Eumenides (Custom Made Theatre Company). Additionally, 2015’s You’ll Not Feel The Drowning was the recipient of the Custom Made Theatre Company’s New Development Program Workshop in 2017. 2013’s Walls Of Troy was a finalist for the Stanley Drama Award and the entire festival won “Playwriting Series Most Likely to Win a Gold Medal” from the SF Bay Guardian in 2013. Additionally, EXIT Press has released a collection of five plays from Year One of the festival, Songs of Hestia, and ten plays from Year Two, Heavenly Bodies, both available for purchase on Amazon.com and at bookstores across the country. Find out more at https://sfolympiansfestival.com/
Since 2010 the festival has featured the work of 97 Writers, 74 Directors, 388 Actors, and 39 Fine Artists!