
Wepwawet was originally, in Upper Egypt, The Greco-Roman period. His name means “opener of the ways”. Some interpret that Wepwawet was seen as a scout, going out to clear routes for the army to proceed forward. One inscription from the Sinai states that Wepwawet “opens the way” to king Sekhemkhet’s victory. Wepwawet was said to accompany the pharaoh on hunts, in which capacity he was titled “(one with) sharp arrow more powerful than the gods”. Over time, the connection to war, and thus to death, led to Wepwawet also being seen as one who opened the ways to, and through, Duet for the spirits of the dead. Through this, and the similarity of the jackel, Wepwawet was said to be Set’s son. Much later, Wepwawet was viewed as an opener of the ways, a doorway to opportunity, as well as a guide to those that open ways, medically, spiritually, and physically.

Of all the mythological Gods, the Egyptian Gods interested writer Patricia Morin because of their relation to the Pyramids, a strong visual representation of a time in history. “When hearing about the SF Olympians, I scrolled through the names and found the Egyptians. I immediately connected to Wepwowet for two reasons: One, he had a jackal head and a human body. The jackal was my favorite African animal when I went on Safari. Quick and clever, the jackal would wait until the big boys and girls filled their bellies on a carcass, then trotting soft-footed and unnoticed, would pick up pieces to bring to his den to feed his family. The other reason was Wepwawet was a scout, finding openings, and opportunities, in which an army could enter and conquer its enemy. Like the Jackal, he came and went unnoticed, and brought back food, as information, for his team to devour.”

WEPWAWET by Patricia L. Morin
Directed by Nicole Meñez
Staged Reading on October 6, 2017 at the EXIT Theatre

Sophia DiPaola (Sam)

Sara Judge (CC)

Max Maliga (Vic)

Chris Robledo (Jack)

Kitty Torres (Randy)

Patricia L. Morin, MA, LCSW, has four short-story mystery collections published. She began her playwriting career in 2011 with one of her novellas, “Where is Horatio T. Adams?” read by NPT, Chicago, for 2012 season. “The Gatekeeper” swept 2012 Fringe of Marin awards, and was voted as one of the best plays in their twenty-five year history. “A Clean Well-Lighted Park Bench” - produced as part of PCSF’s “Sheherazeade,” was part of the Theater Bay Area award for Greatest Anthology Production, 2016. And So … was selected for Flush Ink! Productions, SHE SPEAKS festival, Ontario, Can. 2017. She is thrilled to be a part of SF Olympians!

The image of Wepwawet was created by Rusty Jackson.